Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
A unique education agency with a statewide network of professional educators, volunteers, and county offices, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service reaches into every Texas county to address local priority needs. Current efforts include mitigating drought impacts and conserving water use in homes, landscapes, and production agriculture as well as improving emergency management, food security, and human diet and health. Texas 4-H, the agency's primary youth program, engages nearly 600,000 youth every year in learning projects, leadership development, and community service.
Unit Name | Contact | Location |
4-H Youth Development |
979-845-1211 (p) 979-845-6495 (f) |
1470 William D Fitch Parkway College Station, TX 77845 |
Administration, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service |
979-314-8202 (p) |
600 John Kimbrough Blvd., Ste.509 College Station, TX 77843 |
Administrative Services |
979-845-7879 (p) |
578 John Kimbrough Blvd. College Station, TX 77843-2147 |
Agricultural and Environmental Safety |
979-845-3849 (p) 979-845-6251 (f) |
Agronomy Field Lab, Room 101 College Station, TX 77843 |
Agricultural Economics (AGEC) |
979-845-2116 (p) |
600 John Kimbrough Blvd. Agricultural And Life Sciences Building College Station, TX 77843-2124 |
Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication (ALEC) |
979-321-5725 (p) |
Agriculture and Life Sciences Building - AGLS 2nd Floor College Station, TX 77843-2116 |
Amarillo Research and Extension Center |
806-677-5600 (p) 806-677-5644 (f) |
6500 Amarillo Blvd West Amarillo, TX 79106 |
Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAEN) |
979-314-8220 (p) 979-862-3442 (f) |
Scoates Hall, Room 201 College Station, TX 77843 |
Corpus Christi Research and Extension Center |
361-265-9201 (p) 361-265-9434 (f) |
10345 State Hwy 44 Corpus Christi, TX 78406-1412 |
Dallas Research and Extension Center |
972-231-5362 (p) |
17360 Coit Road Dallas, TX 75252 |
Disaster, Assessment & Recovery (DAR) |
979-321-5255 (p) |
1470 William D Fitch Parkway, Suite Tamu 2145 College Station, TX 77843 |
District 01 Office - Panhandle |
806-677-5600 (p) |
6500 Amarillo Blvd West Amarillo, TX 79106-1796 |
District 02 Office - South Plains |
806-746-6101 (p) 806-723-8499 (f) |
1102 E. Drew Street Lubbock, TX 79403-6653 |
District 03 Office - Rolling Plains |
940-552-9941 (p) 940-553-4657 (f) |
11708 Highway 70 South Vernon, TX 76384 |
District 04 Office - North |
972-231-5362 (p) 972-952-9227 (f) |
17360 Coit Rd Dallas, TX 75252-6502 |
District 05 Office - East |
903-834-6191 (p) 903-834-7140 (f) |
1710 North Hwy 3053 Overton, TX 75684-0038 |
District 06 Office - Far West |
432-336-8585 (p) 432-336-3813 (f) |
1618 Airport Drive Fort Stockton, TX 79735 |
District 07 Office - West Central |
325-653-4576 (p) 325-655-7791 (f) |
7887 US Highway 87 N San Angelo, TX 76901-9714 |
District 08 Office - Central |
254-968-4144 (p) 254-965-3759 (f) |
1229 N US Hwy 281 Stephenville, TX 76401-8992 |
District 09 Office - Southeast |
979-845-6800 (p) 979-845-6501 (f) |
Texas A&M Agrilife Extension South Campus 1470 William D. Fitch Parkway College Station, TX 77845 |
District 10 Office - Southwest |
830-278-9151 (p) 830-278-4008 (f) |
1619 Garner Field Road Uvalde, TX 78801 |
District 11 Office - Coastal Bend |
361-265-9203 (p) 361-265-9434 (f) |
10345 Hwy 44 Corpus Christi, TX 78406-1939 |
District 12 Office - South |
956-968-5581 (p) 956-969-5639 (f) |
2401 E Highway 83 Weslaco, TX 78596-8344 |
Ecology and Conservation Biology (ECCB) |
979-314-3234 (p) 979-845-3786 (f) |
534 John Kimbrough Blvd College Station, TX 77843-2258 |
Entomology (ENTO) |
979-845-2516 (p) 979-845-6305 (f) |
Heep Center, Room 412 College Station, TX 77843-2475 |
Environmental Health and Safety |
979-862-4038 (p) 979-845-1348 (f) |
1111 Research Parkway Suite 220 College Station, TX 77843-4472 |
Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) |
979-321-5275 (p) |
1470 William D Fitch Pkwy College Station, TX 77843 |
Family and Community Health (FCH) |
979-845-3850 (p) 979-845-6496 (f) |
1470 William D. Fitch Parkway College Station, TX 77845-4645 |
Healthy Texas |
979-314-0574 (p) |
1470 William D. Fitch Pkwy College Station, TX 77845 |
Horticultural Sciences (HORT) |
979-845-5341 (p) |
Horticulture Forest Science Bldg, Room 202 College Station, TX 77843-2133 |
Hospitality, Hotel Management and Tourism (HMGT) |
979-314-8150 (p) 979-845-0446 (f) |
600 John Kimbrough Blvd, Suite 415 College Station, TX 77843 |
Lubbock Research and Extension Center |
806-746-6101 (p) 806-746-6528 (f) |
1102 E. Drew Street Lubbock, TX 79403-6603 |
Nutrition and Food Science |
979-845-2142 (p) 979-458-3129 (f) |
Cater-Mattil Hall, Rm 130 College Station, TX 77843 |
Overton Research and Extension Center |
903-834-6191 (p) 903-834-7140 (f) |
1710 N. FM 3053 Overton, TX 75684 |
Plant Pathology and Microbiology (PLPM) |
979-845-7311 (p) |
496 Olsen Blvd. College Station, TX 77843 |
Poultry Science (POSC) |
979-845-1931 (p) 979-845-1921 (f) |
Kleberg Center, Room 101 474 Olsen Blvd College Station, TX 77843 |
Rangeland Wildlife and Fisheries Management (RWFM) |
979-314-8451 (p) |
495 Horticulture Road College Station, TX 77843-2138 |
San Angelo Research and Extension Center |
325-653-4576 (p) 325-658-4364 (f) |
7887 U.S. Highway 87 North San Angelo, TX 76901 |
Soil and Crop Sciences (SCSC) |
979-321-5900 (p) 979-845-0456 (f) |
Heep Center, Room 434 370 Olsen Blvd. College Station, TX 77843 |
Stephenville Research and Extension Center |
254-968-4144 (p) 254-965-3759 (f) |
1229 N. US Hwy 281 Stephenville, TX 76401 |
Stiles Farm Foundation |
512-898-2214 (p) 512-898-2834 (f) |
5700 FM 1063 Thrall, TX 76578-0405 |
Temple Research and Extension Center |
254-774-6000 (p) 254-774-6001 (f) |
720 East Blackland Road Temple, TX 76502 |
Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute |
979-845-1851 (p) 979-845-0662 (f) |
1001 Holleman Drive East College Station, TX 77840 |
Texas Agricultural Lifetime Leadership Program (TALL) |
979-845-1554 (p) 979-862-1516 (f) |
600 John Kimbrough Blvd. Room 247 College Station, TX 77843-2137 |
Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI) |
979-314-2824 (p) |
1001 Holleman Dr E College Station, TX 77840 |
Urban Program |
979-314-8218 (p) |
600 John Kimbrough Suite 518 College Station, TX 77843 |
Uvalde Research and Extension Center |
830-278-9151 (p) 830-278-1570 (f) |
1619 Garner Field Road Uvalde, TX 78801 |
V.G. Young Institute of County Government |
979-845-4572 (p) |
600 John Kimbrough Suite 128 College Station, TX 77843-2137 |
Vernon Research and Extension Center |
940-552-9941 (p) 940-552-2317 (f) |
11708 Highway 70 South Vernon, TX 76384 |
Weslaco Research and Extension Center |
956-968-5585 (p) 956-969-5620 (f) |
2415 E. Hwy 83 Weslaco, TX 78596 |
Wildlife Services |
210-472-5451 (p) 210-561-3846 (f) |
5730 Northwest Parkway Suite 700 San Antonio, TX 78249 |